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James Dobson

The Wheelie Across America team acknowledges with profound sorrow the untimely passing of “Travel Vlogger/Smile Junky” James Dobson, 32, (2018 Positive Vibes Tour) in an accident November 14.  In rain & low visibility conditions, a motorist rear-ended James on his travel tricycle near Hattiesburg, Mississippi.  It was the tragic ending of his charity ride to raise funds for children’s cancer research & treatment at Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth-Hitchcock in Lebanon, New Hampshire.  James, a native of the Dover, Maine area, was 44 days into his ride; having started in New Hampshire, his goal was San Diego, CA.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to James’s family and friends in this tragic turn of events.  His mother Cindy said his motto was “Be positive and make at least ten people smile every day.”  He lived that message, clearly evident in his sunny YouTube vlog entries (www.PositiveVibesTour.com).  People can donate to his family’s funeral expenses at www.gofundme.com/funeral-expenses-for-james-dobson  
We will help carry James Dobson’s message of joyful charitable endeavor on behalf of others in need as Wheelie Across America nears our own project’s finish line in Florida several weeks from now.  We are comforted by the understanding that James will live on in the renewed lives of the children whom he helped through his fundraising.  His $10k goal is now passing the $18k mark & still rolling – along with his cherished memory and his undiminished loving spirit.  
We urge you to honor James Dobson’s memory and add to his selfless legacy with your donations to the worthy cause that James supported.  With these words to live by, James signed off on his final vlog entry on November 13, 2018: “I love you guys.  Stay happy.  Stay humble.  And make somebody smile.”
Let that be his eternal legacy of love, joy, and peace in all of our hearts, going forward.  To donate to CHad in James’s memory, click here.

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